Broke girl's recipe | 15 minutes version

Broke girl's recipe | 15 minutes version

Works Thoughts About

1. Your grandma's toast (whip up an amazing wheel with what's in your fridge)


So this toast is called your grandma's toast because my friends call me grandma. It's super simple, but it has everything: carbs, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fat! This probably takes less than 15 minutes, and it tastes surprisingly amazing. You might think fruit jam and cured ham wouldn't go together, but the combination of sweet and savoury will make you crave this toast once you try it!

  • Ingredients:
  • any bread
    spam/cured ham
    any veggies in your fridge (I skipped this part)
  • Direction:
    1. Heat a lightly oiled/buttered pan and fry eggs and chopped veggies mixture (you can just fry eggs if you don't have veggies)
    2. Grill one slice of bread per person and slices of ham
    3. Spread jam on bread, place fried egg mixture on top, and serve with grilled ham

2. Korean egg rolls (NO leftovers left behind)


I know your struggle... you don't want to waste money on delivery food or eat out, but the only things in your fridge are eggs and some veggies that are about to expire? Look no further! This Korean egg rolls would help you consume everything before the expiry date!

  • Ingredients:
  • eggs
    whatever's in your fridge (veggies, salted seaweed, natto, etc)
  • Direction:
    1. Beat eggs in a bowl and put everything you have to make some nice egg mixture. Stir well.
    2. Heat a lightly oiled/buttered pan and pour the egg mixture. Swirl it around to make sure it covers the whole pan
    3. Lower heat to low and wait until you see the edges are cooked
    4. Start rolling one edge with a spatula till you reach the end of the pan
    5. (Optional) Repeat 1-4 if you have time to make multi layered egg rolls
    6. Cut into thick slices


Broke girl's recipe | 15 minutes version
May 23, 2023
Broke girl's recipe | 30 minutes version
June 5, 2023
Broke girl's recipe | 1 hr version
July 7, 2021

© 2024 Sophia Ryoo